Francisco Inoque

👨‍💻 Backend Developer with over 6 years of programming experience. 🚀 Specialized in Node.js, Go,Python and Java.

I'm Backend Software Developer
My tech journey has been exciting, and I'm eager to share a bit more about myself.

6 years




My techs stack


Primeiros passos com Angular e Firebase

Neste curso, você terá a oportunidade de explorar o emocionante mundo do desenvolvimento web usando duas ferramentas poderosas: Angular e Firebase.


Zogo is a custom validation library for Go that allows you to define and apply various validation rules to your data. It is inspired by Zod's zogo.

Go Contact API & Send Email

This API is designed to handle contact form submissions, store contact information in a MongoDB database, and send a confirmation email. It provides endpoints to submit contact information and receive confirmation messages.

Country Dialing Code API With GoLang Documentation

This simple Go (Golang) API provides information about countries, including their names, dialing codes, and country codes. It reads this information from a JSON file and exposes an endpoint to retrieve these data.

Country Dialing Code API With Python Documentation

This FastAPI project provides information about countries, including their names, dialing codes, and country codes. It reads this information from a JSON file and exposes an endpoint to retrieve these data.

Nodejs Auth API Documentation

Welcome to the official documentation of Nodejs Auth API. This API provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for user management, authentication, email verification, and password reset.

Stripe Payment API in Go

This is an example of a Go API that allows you to create a payment intent with Stripe. The API is configured to accept POST requests and responds with details about the created payment intent.

Stripe Payment API with Python

This is an example of a FastAPI-based API in Python that allows you to create a payment intent with Stripe and process payments. The API is configured to accept POST requests and respond with details about the created payment intent or payment processing status.

PayPal Payment API with Python

This is an example of a FastAPI-based API in Python that allows you to create and execute PayPal payments. The API is configured to accept POST requests and interact with the PayPal API for payment processing.

PayPal Payment API with Go

This is an example of a Go-based API that allows you to create and execute PayPal payments. The API interacts with the PayPal API for payment processing.


Intensive JSON Course: Mastering JavaScript Object Notation

JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a widely used format for data exchange in modern web...

Francisco Inoque

Iterating through Arrays: forEach vs for...of

When working with JavaScript and array manipulation, understanding how to iterate through array...

Francisco Inoque

Leveraging JavaScript for Common Search Operations

Introduction: JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language commonly used in web...

Francisco Inoque

All the Git Commands You Need to Know

Git is a powerful version control tool that plays a crucial role in modern software development....

Francisco Inoque

Getting Started with Python: An Introduction for Beginners

If you're interested in learning a versatile and widely-used programming language, Python is an...

Francisco Inoque

Getting Started with Golang: An Introduction for Beginners

If you're interested in learning a powerful and efficient programming language, Golang (also known as...

Francisco Inoque

Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in TypeScript: Key Concepts and Practical Example

Introduction: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) stands as one of the most widely embraced paradigms...

Francisco Inoque

Deep Dive into JavaScript Functions

Deep Dive into JavaScript Functions Functions are a fundamental concept in JavaScript,...

Francisco Inoque

Programming Paradigms

Introduction to Programming Paradigms Programming paradigms are fundamental approaches to...

Francisco Inoque

Mastering Algorithms: 8 Common Challenges and Solutions in JavaScript

Algorithms are the building blocks of computer science and software development. They are the...

Francisco Inoque

Exploring the `flat()` Method in JavaScript

The flat() method is a powerful function in JavaScript that allows you to simplify nested arrays by...

Francisco Inoque

Mastering the JavaScript Array `filter()` method

The filter() method is another essential array method in JavaScript. It allows you to create a new...

Francisco Inoque

Understanding the JavaScript `map()` Method

Understanding the JavaScript map() Method The map() method is a powerful and versatile...

Francisco Inoque

Mastering the `array.reduce()` Method in JavaScript

Stop Adding the Ordinary Way: Mastering the Power of the reduce() Method in JavaScript The...

Francisco Inoque

Mastering object manipulation in JavaScript

Exploring Object Manipulation in JavaScript JavaScript is a versatile programming language...

Francisco Inoque

Go Contact Email API: Streamlined Contact Form with Send Email & MongoDB

Building a Go API to Collect and Respond to Contact Messages In this article, we'll walk...

Francisco Inoque

🔥 Introducing Zogo: A Powerful Custom Validation Library for Go

Introduction: Hey fellow developers! 🚀 Are you tired of writing repetitive validation code...

Francisco Inoque

Inside the MongoDB findById Method: Understanding the Efficiency of Searching for Unique IDs

In MongoDB, when you use the findById method, whether through the Mongoose library or the native...

Francisco Inoque

The HTML 5 <Dialog /> Tag: The easiest way to create modal.

The HTML5 dialog tag is the easiest way to create a modal. All you need to do is add the tag to...

Francisco Inoque

No Datas, No Marketing

How the LinkedIn Database Can Power Your Tech Startup? In a world where data is...

Francisco Inoque

What is the diffence between var, let and const?

In JavaScript, there are different ways to declare a variable. These include using the keywords var,...

Francisco Inoque

How to create CRUD routes in Nodejs in two lines only.

hello dev, How are you? This post is about a tip that leaves your code clean and with fewer lines of...

Francisco Inoque

A simple and easy way to validate form fields

Hello guys, in this post I will talk about the simplest and easiest way to validate form fields accor...

Francisco Inoque

JavaScript Array find() Method

The find () method returns the value of the first element of the array that satisfies the test functi...

Francisco Inoque

Javascript Merge Objects

In this post we will merge objects in JavaScript const user = { user_id: '1#inoque@20',...

Francisco Inoque

Node.js and Firebase: Generating Email Verification Link

Hi guys, In this API I will explain how to generate a link to verify email from using fire...

Francisco Inoque

I love the way knowledge is shared in the programming world

Hello guys, today I want to share something with you that I love so much. So ...., I love to read...

Francisco Inoque

What is the best way to save token?

A post by Francisco Inoque

Francisco Inoque


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© Francisco Inoque2023